Sunday, June 17, 2012

I celebrate my Independence Day on Juneteeth


I celebrate my Independence Day on Juneteeth 

 I refuse to celebrate July 4th. I recognize it as a momentous day in American history. I understand why people come together for cookouts, golf flag and meet at the baseball field with fireworks. It is with hot dogs, apple pie and baseball as a thing that defines what it means to be citizens of the province, waves of red, white and blue.I still refuse to celebrate this day. It would be a lie to do so. It condemns all day followed by a group of men together on the official - we were a nation without domination of England. My parents were still not free. I just can not bring myself to say one day remember the rest of the story.I celebrated its 19th independence June. This date is reserved until the end of slavery in America to remember. It was June 19, 1865 the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordan Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the American Civil War ended and that slaves were free to leave the main rule. It was two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation free slaves first announced on the 1st The 1863rdThe Emancipation Proclamation did not affect Texas due to the small number of European troops to enforce order Lincoln. With the surrender of General Lee in April 1865, was the arrival of General Granger and his troops enough to overcome resistance in Texas.It is the day I celebrate independence. On that day General Granger read General Order Number 3 people of Texas. It began:"Texas people are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive Board of the United States, all slaves are free. It is the absolute equality of rights and the rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection between them is that between employer and free laborer."Many slaves went before to confirm their former masters. The impasse, whether they embrace their freedom. Some went north, while others tried to find relatives in neighboring countries. Fled to Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma. From that day in June 1865, to break the people to fight their children to remember. The June festival teeth were vital in the last few decades later, Texas, with the descendants of former slaves and make an annual pilgrimage to Galveston.When Ralph Abernathy called the people of all races and creeds, economic levels and professions in Washington, DC in favor of poor people in March 1968, many houses and Juneteenth celebrations began. January 1980 The first was in June proved an official state holiday in Texas.Juneenth Durham Festival is organized by Phyllis Coley, publisher of magnificent teeth June and NC State Director. Coley is the pressure on state lawmakers in June to recognize the teeth as a national holiday.People gather on Saturday to hear local music, enjoy food and hear speeches. Keynote speech given Rev. William Barber II, President of the North Carolina NAACP. Barber will speak about the importance of voter registration and remind people to show up and vote in elections in the autumn.The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard said that life must be lived forward but can only be understood back. The reality of a certain age may not be ready before completion. The importance of the day in Galveston, Texas was fully understood by those who left the administration of life to embrace freedom. We looked moved back to their commitment to lead than what kept them in slavery to find.

This is my Independence Day. I'm waving the flag of truth. For those who follow the forgotten, we remember them in the teeth of June.We have now been released.

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